The numbers are telling you something

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, Website Design Leave a Comment

Today we’re going to talk about numbers and results.  We’re going to talk about what a properly built website can do for your visibility on the Internet.  And we’re going to explain a few crazy web developer terms and make sense out of them.

Point of Rocks RV Park

In January of 2015 we re-designed the website for Point of Rocks in Prescott, AZ.  This was a site I had wanted to fix for years.  And finally the park owner decided it was time for a website update.  And the results of the re-design in January are pretty telling.

First lets look at some simple straightforward information.

POR_bounceThe graphic above shows Bounce Rate, Daily Page Views, and Time on site.  The last two are pretty straightforward.  But bounce rate might not mean much to you.

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that leave the site after only viewing one page.  So 14% of visitors to Point of Rocks website only look at a single page and leave.  That means 86% of all visitors to the site stick around, and they read more than 1 page.  They’re reading park rates, amenities, and making a decision to book with the park.  A 14% bounce rate is amazing, and the website has remained around 12-14% for months now.

Comparing old, new, and a neighbor

When re-designing Point of Rocks we acquired a few more domain names as well per the owner’s request.  The original site was located at  The new site is  The old link points to the new one, and that’s good because you can see a very dramatic change!

por_trendThe original Point of Rocks website’s traffic ranking in in light blue.  Our re-designed site was launched in January or 2015, and it’s the dark blue line.  Finally, just for comparison I also popped in a neighboring park with a very poor website, and that line is in red.

Clearly the newly designed site is hopping.  Traffic ranking is increasing.  More people are paying visits to the new site than the old, and the competition’s web traffic isn’t performing well at all.

Site numbers are booming!

Finally, we look directly at what Point of Rocks is collecting for data.

por_march_statsApril isn’t done yet, but we can look at March for a full month.  3,108 people visited the website during the month.  Now, if the bounce rate is accurate (14%) then nearly 2700 visitors stayed on the site long enough to look at additional pages.  That’s an average of 90 visitors per day staying on the site and learning more about the park.

Is that a good number, bad, indifferent?  Well, according to park staff they’ve had their busiest March on record, and the park has regularly been filled to capacity!  They’ve also noted an increasing number of compliments about the website, whereas their old site didn’t garner any comment from guests.

Increase your bottom line

If you’re an RV Park owner who is trying to reach more mobile customers, the time is now.  Point of Rocks is a great example of the work we do here at RLC Design Services.  It’s a 96 site park that has an average of 90+ people per day spending almost 5 minutes reading through their site.  It’s said you have about 15 seconds to keep a customer on your website.  If it’s not easy to use, informative, and useful, they’re gone.  And in the case of this park’s site, 86% of visitors stay longer than that 15 second window.

Let RLC Design Services help your park reach the mobile market.  RV’ers are mobile, and they’re using mobile devices to find your park!

Oh, and if you’re thinking this is a “one off” situation?  In November of 2014 we did an overhaul of “The Frame & I” website.  It’s a great framing shop located in Prescott, AZ.  You don’t have to be an RV park to get web help from RLC Design!

The Frame & I

The Frame & I’s web traffic ranking is climbing too.

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