Wordpress and X Theme for beginners video training class

WordPress and X Theme Online Video Training For Beginners

RichMobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, Social Media, Website Design Leave a Comment

For several years we’ve been building websites with WordPress and X Theme for our clients.  The sites have ranged from incredibly stylish to plain but informative.  Every site build has been different based on our clients needs.  And we always focus a good deal of time on making sure our customers get found and actually attract visitors to their websites. …

RV Park Road Sign More Valuable than a website?

A $10000 Road Sign or a $10000 Website?

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, RV Park Photography, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, SEO Leave a Comment

A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to work with another new RV Park in Northern Arizona.  The Springerville RV park has recently opened to the public, even though they’re still finishing the new park. Their road sign is up, so they’re official! With over 100 sites at the park, the owners have had a lot of work to …

Search Engine Ranking destroyed

How to destroy your search engine rankings in a month

RichAdvertising, Aviation Marketing, Mobile Websites, SEO, Website Design Leave a Comment

Several years ago we worked with the President of an Arizona flight school on a new web presence for the flight school he worked for.  Through careful planning, Search Engine Optimization training for the flight school staff, and a website fashioned with ease of use in mind, RLC Design was able to raise the business profile online and direct more …

RV Park Owners – A Quick Way To Improve Your Wi-FI

RichB&B Web Design, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, Travel Leave a Comment

December 17th of 2014 I wrote a quick article on my personal travel blog about an experience I had at an RV Park in Ajo Arizona, and using the word Netflix.  I’d like to share it with you here: The number one way to make a RV Park owner or Park Manager’s eyes bug out?  Say Netflix to them! Today …

RV Park Websites are effective at driving customers.

Do RV Park Websites Drive New Guests?

RichMobile Websites, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, SEO Leave a Comment

Online presence is important these days.  The Internet has been around since the mid-90’s.  We’re now looking at over 20 years of people using the World Wide Web to reach out across the globe.  And a properly designed online strategy can help to drive any business new customers.  Today we’re going to walk through one of our RV Park Websites, …

Custom images are better than a stock image any day

Your image matters – Your online images matter too

RichAdvertising, Commercial Photography, Image, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, SEO, Social Media Leave a Comment

Recently we were contacted by a new small business who wanted to get the word out about their services.  A new massage therapy business in Prescott Arizona.  When I took the call I let out a mental sigh.  See, there are a lot of massage therapists in Prescott Arizona.  A LOT! Chatting with the new business owner I quickly found …

RV Park Website Design Prescott Arizona Designer

If you shopped for a car like you shop for a website

RichBlogging, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, RV Park Website Development, SEO, Website Design Leave a Comment

Every week we talk to potential customers about their online presence.  Sometimes we contact the potential customers, and sometimes they get in touch with us.  Often there’s a very interesting pattern that shows up when folks contact us.  And it usually goes down the same path every time. With my most recent inquiry it struck me.  What if people shopped …

Website investment is required for online sales and reach

Website Investment – Online Presence Is An Investment

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, Website Design Leave a Comment

Everybody has a website.  And there are so many businesses out there selling website space, website design, social media solutions, and more.  You can build a site for free with some services, or spend tens of thousands with others.  What’s the right way to go?  Well that depends on what you’re willing to sink in to your website investment. And …