When you look any website what do you see? Lots of text? Stories from the site owners. How about images, do people use images on the web? Uh, yeah they do!
Today’s web experience goes beyond simple text and graphics. Images, flash players, video links, YouTube, Facebook Links….It’s all there.
If you’re looking to keep visitors on your site in order to relay information to them, sell them a service, or get them to stay at your park for the night you need to grab their attention and keep it. The site not only needs to be informative, it needs to be appealing.
Now, what if you put up the “wrong” image on your home page? Is there such a thing as the “wrong” image for a park? Indeed, there are many wrong images.
- Showing older poor condition RV’s on your website can suggest that the park itself is run down.
- Broken down vehicles, or vehicles under repair are not images that will sell a park.
- Images of older facilities that are not well maintained can turn away customers.
- Poorly composed, shot, and edited photos are not appealing. A blurry photo isn’t going to convince anyone to spend their time and money with you.

This was shot with a few things in mind. The image shows the RV space is large and roomy even for a big Class A RV. It also shows a lovely natural backdrop and sets the scene for the type of park this is. Shooting from the other side of this rig viewers would see a small park dumpster in the frame and would have been less appealing.
The items listed above are all things that I have in fact seen on smaller RV Park websites. Park owners or residents often supply images for the smaller parks to use on their websites. And I think they do it without realizing that non-professional photographs of their locations can actually hurt their business.
As part of our service offering to RV parks across the country, we bring professional quality photography to our clients. RLC Design has shot for many commercial clients, including AAA (you know, the auto insurance guys we all use). When we photograph your park for your website you can rest assured we are making sure the images are appealing to your client base.
Sure, we’ve all got digital cameras now. But how many amateurs really think about their compositions. All it takes is one stray used tire showing up in an image to put off potential guests.