Travel Destination Web Design

Website Success In One Month?

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, SEO, Website Design Leave a Comment

Yesterday we received an e-mail that we’re just thrilled to see.  Our latest client is seeing website success, and the site has only been up for one month.  The Bud Farm is realizing results faster than they ever expected!  We never promise Google Page 1 overnight, but we do promise that our clients will see an uptick in their business over time.  Lately though we’re seeing some pretty amazing results!

Website success from RLC Design SEO Mobile Design Specialists

The Key To Website Success

If you’re looking for the one step solution to getting found online, we’ve got it.  Work with RLC Design.  That’s the overall solution for our clients.  But guess what, it’s really not one step.  Our clients learn quickly, we expect a lot out of them as well.  A team effort to be sure.

It isn’t just about websites any more.  Today you’ve got to look at Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, and more), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), being Mobile Friendly, and finally one big leap for many business owners that want their websites to do more.  You’ve got to realize that websites aren’t static.  Successful sites are dynamic, with new updates showing up regularly.  They’re interactive, and today’s customers are expecting the ability to communicate with businesses. 

For example, when was the last time you went to  Was it the same experience you had 6 months ago?  Did they add new products?  Did their homepage look different?  Yes to all of those items.  Amazon is constantly updating and changing.  New products, information, sales…’s all there. doesn’t sit still.

You Don’t Have To Be Amazon to have Website Success

Amazon has a giant team of developers and designers.  Small businesses don’t have a whole IT staff, and we understand that.  But there are small things you can do that take very little time that will help you experience your own website success.  And RLC Design will actually teach you about what YOU can do as a business owner to directly affect the traffic coming to you.

Leveraging today’s social media you have opportunities throughout the day to quickly reach out to your customer base.  Things that take mere moments out of your day.  And those little things can add up to getting found by an entire new customer base, and keeping your current customer base informed (and sometimes entertained).

Planning For Your Website Success

While things move at a rapid pace online, when you work with RLC Design you’ll find that you can keep up with our pace.  We always develop a detailed plan for your business.  We have to learn about you, and in turn you will learn about a process that helps grow your business into the future.  As we always say, “Good website design doesn’t cost…..It pays.”  If your online presence isn’t paying, it’s time to talk to us.

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