Welcome to 2017. I know, we’re late to the show posting the first post of the year at the start of February. All I can say is that we’ve been a little busy. But we’ve got a little time to spare now, and we wanted to start the new year out right talking about a fantastic match we found last year. In our experience over the years, we struck upon the perfect client relationship that really shows what you can do when everything comes together.
Bear Shoe Works – An Amazing Working Relationship

Bear Shoe continues to add to its online selection for customers across the US
Right before the fall of 2016 we were contacted by Bear Shoe Works out of Superior Wisconsin. The owner, Klaus, got in touch after hearing an interview with me on the RV Entrepreneur (Episode 24). In that audio podcast I talked a lot about our business and online development work, and about pricing our projects. We’re not the cheapest online agency out there with good reason. We spend a lot of time with each of our clients, and we charge for the value of the work we do. The end result for clients ready to grow their business online is that they will grow with us.
In the interview I pointed out we’re not cheap. I did point out that we know exactly what we’re doing when we start a client project. And through all of the talk on that interview something struck a chord with Klaus of Bear Shoe Works, and he got in touch.
We spent the next few weeks discussing goals. Klaus wanted more out of his online presence. He wanted to make his website more a part of his physical business. His expertise is safety boots, and he wanted to reach a global client base interested in getting the right work boots for the right job. Finally, Klaus also wanted to let the world know there are still some cobblers out there. If you’ve got a favorite old pair of boots that you want to have a second life, Bear Shoe is there for you.
As we worked through our discovery process we talked about being an engaged owner. Putting up a website and then forgetting it isn’t an option these days. Products need to be updated, inquiries need to be answered, and a flow of new information needs to be provided to an over stimulated audience.
Traffic growth, sales growth, and National Reach
Fast forward a few months and we’re now in 2017. Since we began the discovery process in October of 2016 Bear Shoe has been very busy. For the first time ever they found their business selling new work boots online. They’ve also been contacted from people across the country regarding repairs on their favorite work boots. It takes a while to build your presence on Google, but they’re doing it.
How is this taking place?
- Bear Shoe selected a designated web person. That person keeps up to date with the website, and checks daily for new online sales. They also answer all inquiries within 24 hours, engaging with their customers.
- Check ins with RLC Design. Every other Wednesday our project manager for Bear Shoe checks in regarding the site, and what we can do next. Normally the folks at Bear Shoe will have some new products to add, old products that need to go on clearance, and they might have a question or two for us.
- Social Media outreach. The staff at Bear Shoe has been active on several social media outlets. Twitter, Instagram, Google +, and Facebook of course. They’re getting the word out, and developing followings on each platform. They’re also producing some funny and informative videos through Instagram.
- Blog Posts. Additionally, the assigned staff member who works hand in hand with RLC Design has been developing new regular posts for the business. Answering questions about different types of safety boots, where they perform best, and other similar articles. All of this works toward growing their search terms and getting found more often.
For the month of February the online business has seen 80% growth in keywords, and a 33% growth in traffic value. That’s on top of some huge leaps when the site first launched. In December their keywords grew over 400% and their traffic value grew over 600%. The trends will continue provided they continue to be engaged in the growth of their online business.
Like anything else in life, it takes effort
Amazon didn’t become Amazon over night. KOA didn’t suddenly spring up with campgrounds across the country. Building any business takes time. And extending your business into the digital realm takes time as well. But if you’re active and engaged, and committed to extending your business and customer base, it is possible to see major growth in your business as well.
Want to learn more about Bear Shoe’s experience with RLC Design? Well, drop them a line on their website or give them a call. Ask for Klaus or Macy, the owners of the business.