For many people thinking about updating their websites, or having a new website created, one of the first thoughts that cross their minds is always, “What is this going to cost?” And often their decision making process focuses around this thought. That’s too bad, because right off the bat they’re limiting themselves on what they’re willing to do to reach customers on the net.
Two weeks ago I was contacted regarding photographic services for a local business in the Prescott area. Perfect timing as we are wrapped up with our clients in the area now, and ready to take on the next job. One of the first things my caller said regarding our photographic services was, “I just don’t want this to break the bank, and by break the bank I mean anything over $3,000.” Okay, we’ve already got a number in mind that is considered too expensive.
I investigated the potential client’s request further, and found that they wanted a lot for a little. The job would have taken multiple days shooting on location, multiple days doing video interviews with staff, and 8 buildings to shoot interiors and exteriors. They wanted licensing to use everything we would shoot for them, and for two edited videos they wanted on their website for marketing purposes. All together, we were looking at about 6 days, 8 hours a day for two people working on the project. That’s 96 hours of work time. What’s that worth to me? Plenty. And it should have been worth a lot more to the potential client given their customers spend thousands of dollars a year with them.
Cost Benefit Analysis

Our most recent client saw the benefit of working with RLC Design. 1 additional student more than covers the cost of their site!
Here I go, talking economics. As a trained economist (that was to be my first career starting out in life) I have heard way too much about cost benefit analysis. It’s a boring topic for ivory tower thinkers to expound upon for unlimited amounts of time. But if you boil it down, it’s a super simple concept. What am I going to get out of purchasing this, doing this, etc?
What many people fail to envision when they approach a professional services company is the final benefit to themselves. Basically they do a “Cost Analysis,” and leave off the part about the benefits. You want a website for a reason. The site can help you reach new clients who are interested in your products or services. It is part of your marketing campaign to not only get found, but generate additional revenues. Pretty simple.
So, what is a new client worth to you? What are new clients over the next 7 years worth to you? When we do our full web development packages for clients they are receiving a multi-media presentation that will be valid for the next 7 years easily. Our “premium” website development package is currently priced at $4,750. Over the course of 7 years that amounts to $679 per year. So, breaking it down that way, do you think that updating your web presence to reach new customers is worth $700 a year? What do you currently spend on print marketing???
The Benefits of working with RLC Design
For web clients, what do you get out of working with RLC Design? Plenty. You’re working with an organization that has been in mobile communications since the start of the Internet. While we’re working on your project you get our total attention, because we come directly to your location. And with our standard package you get the following:
[clear-line] [one-half-first]Our standard package gets your website “mobilized” for today’s portable computer devices. RLC Design will come to your business location and work directly with managers or owners on:
- Website style selection
- Installation of multiple security packages to ensure the stability of your website against attacks on the site, spam, and Internet Bots.
- Creating new pages that work with mobile devices
- Photographing your park, the amenities, and including the edited images on your website. All images photographed for your park will be left with you for use in any marketing materials you like.
- Populating multiple pages of information about your park including a Rates Page, Contact Page, Directions Page (using Googlemaps), Local Area Info Page, and a Gallery Page with your own images in it.
- Up to 10 inside pages included in this package
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure you stay at the top of the page rankings for parks in your area.
- Blog Setup so that you can post upcoming events to encourage visitors to your area to utilize your park for their travel plans.
- Staff training so you can update your website going forward, manage your blog, and keep in contact with your customers.
- Statistics via your website and Google Analytics.
- A DVD tutorial disk about your park’s new website and how your staff can use it.
The investment on this package? $4,750.00 for everything listed above and 5 hours phone support in the event you need some additional guidance.
[/one-half] [clear-line]A Proven Track Record
RLC Design has a proven track record. And we’re so confident with the work we do, we invite you to connect with our clients. Our happy customers can tell you first hand how a properly built, secure, and reachable website has improved their bottom line. Not only do you want to reach people on the internet, you want the experience to be easy and secure, and we make sure of that with every site we build.
One of our RV Park clients put it very simply to us last month. “Our peak season of 2014 was the busiest we’ve ever had. Almost every night we had to turn away guests because we were full. That’s a first for our park!”
In the case of that client, one of their best and cheapest advertising methods they’ve ever used. Let us help you increase your bottom line with our website design service!