More about mobile websites for RV Parks

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, RV Park Website Development, Travel

I’ve finally found some free time to actually work on my own marketing.  Clients’ work comes first, my own work comes second.  Ah, isn’t that the way in any business?

Today I’ve posted a quick video on the value of mobilized websites for RV Parks.  It’s only 5 minutes long, so hopefully that’s short enough for folks with a limited attention span.

It is true, today travelers are rolling around the country with some type of computing device that’s connected to the Internet. And many of the independent parks out there are not reaching these potential guests.  That’s where we come in.  We’re ready today to help parks across the country reach the RV’er of the 21st Century.  Get in touch today and we can talk about your park’s needs.
