This morning I spent some time cruising through RV Park website links. I pulled up Allstays and RV Park Reviews and went to town on some communities near my current location. And I ended up focusing on Ash Fork, AZ.
Ash Fork is a small town right off of Route 40 and on historic Route 66. Whenever I go to Flagstaff I stop into Ash Fork for gas and a snack. I’ve wandered around the town looking for scenes to shoot since it is right on Route 66. Unlike some of the other Route 66 communities with specific attractions, Ash Fork doesn’t boast a specific attraction.
According to both Allstays and RVParkReviews, Ash Fork offers 2 RV park locations. The Hillside RV Park, and the I-40 Grand Canyon RV Park. Both parks need major web help to be sure. The Grand Canyon park has a lot of reviews, and the average isn’t good at all. Apparently over the past decade it hasn’t been the nicest park, and reviewers really smacked it good. The last review, in 2012, suggests that the park is under new ownership and issues are being address…..but…..

Many communities along Route 66 have a “draw.” That one attraction we all recognize. Ash Fork doesn’t really have that hook that other communities have.
The reputation on the net is a pretty solid negative.
So, how could you rebuild the reputation of an established park under new ownership? That’s what I’ve been wracking my mind over this morning. If there really is new ownership working to better a location, they deserve the opportunity to shed the old rep. And for travelers, if the park has been improved it could be a big win.
Personally, I think the location’s reputation could be brought back. It would take a little time on site, checking the park out and making sure it is being improved. Then I would do a few things:
- Website redevelopment. It is mobilized, it’s just really poorly done.
- Major SEO work. The park doesn’t come up on Page 1 of Google when you look for RV Park Ash Fork, AZ. RV Park Reviews comes up first.
- Photographing the park as it is today to counter the complaints about what it was like. A sizable online gallery of the park’s appeal.
- A video tour through the park. Let people see what it looks like today.
- Create a campaign to make the location a “destination.” It is on Route 66, easy access to the Grand Canyon, Seligman, Williams, and Flagstaff.

Twin Arrow is another favorite stop of mine alone Route 66. There is no town, no services, etc. The structure is pretty burnt out and won’t remain much longer.
That’s my thinking on this particular location, and yes we will be contacting them. The one thing you can count on. We will not make a bad park look good, we will always be honest in the presentation of a park. If we come across a truly bad park….they won’t have the opportunity to work with us.