Custom images are better than a stock image any day

Your image matters – Your online images matter too

RichAdvertising, Commercial Photography, Image, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, SEO, Social Media

Recently we were contacted by a new small business who wanted to get the word out about their services.  A new massage therapy business in Prescott Arizona.  When I took the call I let out a mental sigh.  See, there are a lot of massage therapists in Prescott Arizona.  A LOT! Chatting with the new business owner I quickly found …

attract more flight students

Tips to attract more flight students

Jodi LeDoytAviation Marketing

We all know that flight training is expensive… And potential flight students are always looking for the best deal out there. But the same potential customers often fail to understand what the best deal is. I’m sure your company offers the best deal, right? How should you convey this information to your potential customers? The answer is simple: by educating them. …

Instagram Video reaches your customer base

Video and your online presence

RichAdvertising, B&B Web Design, RV Park Video Tours, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, Video

The Internet is evolving every day.  Internet users are continuing to evolve as well.  And today video is becoming extremely important.  So important in fact that RLC Design has been digging deep into what our clients can do with today’s video technology, and their outreach to their client base. Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Video is everywhere! If you’re …

Safeguard your cutomer privacy

How not to safeguard your guest privacy

RichAdvertising, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, Website Design, Website Security

Privacy is something that’s getting harder to maintain these days.  Every week you hear about one company or another getting hacked and exposing their customers and guests to any number of scams out there.  So security should be on your mind when it comes to your online presence, not just for your own benefit but for that our your customers …

RV Park Website Design Prescott Arizona Designer

If you shopped for a car like you shop for a website

RichBlogging, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, RV Park Website Development, SEO, Website Design

Every week we talk to potential customers about their online presence.  Sometimes we contact the potential customers, and sometimes they get in touch with us.  Often there’s a very interesting pattern that shows up when folks contact us.  And it usually goes down the same path every time. With my most recent inquiry it struck me.  What if people shopped …

Website investment is required for online sales and reach

Website Investment – Online Presence Is An Investment

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, Website Design

Everybody has a website.  And there are so many businesses out there selling website space, website design, social media solutions, and more.  You can build a site for free with some services, or spend tens of thousands with others.  What’s the right way to go?  Well that depends on what you’re willing to sink in to your website investment. And …

Marijuana dispensaries as destination locations

Our Latest Travel Destination Client – The Bud Farm

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, SEO, Travel

The Airstream and the RLC Design team have been in Colorado for a month now.  And today we wrap up our latest destination client job.  The Bud Farm.  It’s not our typical tourist travel destination at all.  The Bud Farm is one of the many legal marijuana dispensaries in Colorado.  Definitely a new kind of tourist destination. New travel destination …

What's the price of website success

What’s the price of a website?

RichAdvertising, Mobile Websites, Prescott Web Designer, RV Park Web Design, RV Park Website Development, Travel

This is the question we get often over the phone and through our contact form.  Simple and to the point.  What’s the price of a website?  And our answer is pretty straightforward too. It depends. The question has always bothered me.  Websites aren’t a boxed commodity, although these days there’s a mentality that websites are in fact commodities.  They’re all …